ইউনিট-৩, লেসন-৩ (এ)
প্রিয় শিক্ষার্থী, আজ ইংরেজি পাঠ্যবইয়ের ইউনিট-৩, লেসন-৩ (এ) নিয়ে আলোচনা করা হলো।
Read the text carefully and answer the questions 1, 2 and 3.
The word ‘hygiene’ means the practice of keeping ourselves clean. It also means to keep our home and work places clean. It is important for our good health. Hygiene is thought to be next to godliness. It is because we cannot achieve anything physically, mentally or spiritually if we are unclean in our body, mind and soul. Nobody likes an unclean person either. So we must follow the rules of hygiene.
First, we must keep our body clean. We should have a bath everyday and wash our hair regularly. This will keep the body and hair free from dirt and bacteria. Secondly, we should wash our clothes regularly. Dirty clothes give off bad smell and invite germs. We should wear socks and shoes when we go out to protect our feet from dust and germs. It is also important to wash our hands before meals and after using the toilet. We should brush our teeth twice a day, after breakfast and supper. We must also cut our nails regularly. Our drinking water must be safe. We can get safe water by boiling and filtering. Finally, we should keep our surroundings and environment clean.
If we do and follow all the above things properly, we will be able to lead a healthy and happy life.
1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives.
a. Hygiene is ╛ for our good health. i. good ii. essential
iii. injurious iv. harmful
b. Hygiene is thought to be next to ╛
i. godliness ii. creativeness
iii. holiness iv. atheism
c. Everybody ╛ an unclean person.
i. wants ii. adores iii. likes iv. dislikes
d. Putting on shoes ╛ germs.
i. invites ii. prevents
iii. creates iv. removes
e. We should brush our teeth ╛ a day.
i. four times ii. thrice iii. once iv. twice
f. ‘Spiritually’ means ╛.
i. wholly ii. purely iii. divinely iv. nicely
g. ‘Wear’ means ╛.
i. put of ii. put by iii. put on iv. put in
h. Which of the following is the example of hygiene?
i. To take bath in a dirty pond
ii. To keep hair uncombed
iii. To wear shoe iv. to keep our
room dirty
i. Which of the following is pure drinking water?
i. Drain water ii. Boiled water
iii. Pond water
iv. River Water
j. The word ‘dirt’refers to ╛.
i. filth ii. fire iii. fume iv. smoke
k. The term ‘hygiene’ refers to ╛.
i. inaction ii. cleanliness
iii. godliness iv. practice
l. Cleanliness has positive impact on our ╛.
i. body ii. mind iii. soul
iv. both body and mind
m. Regular shower keeps us free from ╛.
i. germ ii. anxiety iii. cancer iv. influenza
n. Dirty clothes are badly ╛.
i. fresh ii. worthless
iii. condemnable iv. stinky
o. ‘Regularly’means ╛.
i. occasionally ii. gradually
iii. daily iv. normally
p. We should drink water after ╛.
i. boiling ii. filtering
iii. boiling and filtering iv. heating
q. Our nails must be cut on ╛ basis.
i. weekly ii. monthly iii. regular iv. proper
r. The term ‘pure’ means ╛.
i. proper ii. rectified iii. just iv. filtered
s. Healthy life means ╛ life.
i. wealthy ii. boring
iii. interesting iv. happy
t. Everybody ╛ a tidy person.
i. likes ii. dislikes iii. praises iv. rebukes
Answer to the question no-1
a. ii. essential; b. i. godliness; c. iv. dislikes; d. ii. prevents; e. iv. twice. f. iii. divinely; g. iii. put on; h. iii. to wear shoe; i. ii. boiled water; j. i. filth; k. ii. cleanliness; l. iv. both body and mind; m. i. germ; n. iv. stinky; o. iii. daily; p. iii. boiling and filtering; q. iii. regular; r. ii. rectified; s. iv. happy; t. iii. praises.
শিক্ষক, বীরশ্রেষ্ঠ মুন্সী আব্দুর রউফ পাবলিক কলেজ, ঢাকা