ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র

 Right form of verbs
প্রিয় পরীক্ষার্থী, আজ ইংরেজি দ্বিতীয় পত্রের ৫ নম্বর প্রশ্ন অর্থাত্ Right form of verbs নিয়ে আলোচনা করব।

Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs as per subject and context. 5
Change is the order of nature because we know the proverb that old order changes (a) — (yield) place to the new. So, nothing (b) — (remain) new forever. The same we (c) — (notice) in entertainment also. Old and traditional forms (d) — (change) by new, modified and modern forms of entertainment. Many of them (e) — (exist) any longer. Today TV channels and satellite have superseded radio, similarly band and pop music (f) — (replace) our popular old songs. Football (g) — (lose) its appeal day by day. Cricket and other games (h) — (become) more and more popular. Our idea about the popularity of entertainment also (i) — (change). We’ve started (j) — (look) upon our forms of all life in a new way.
Answer-23: (a) yielding; (b) remains; (c) notice/do notice; (d) have been changed; (e) don’t exist; (f) has replaced; (g) is losing; (h) are becoming; (i) has changed; (j) to look/looking.
Syria is now the world’s biggest producer of both internally displaced people and refugees. Four and a half years violent conflict (a) — (destroy) entire regions of Syria. Neighbourhoods have been smashed by shelling and government barrel bombs and towns (b) — (seize) by rebels. Since the beginning of the conflict, Syrian children (c) — (be) the forgotten victims of the horrific war. Today, over 7.5 million children (d) — (be) in need of assistance, including over 2 million Syrian children who (e) — (seek) refuge in neighbouring countries. Millions (f) — (bear) witness to unrelenting violence from the brutal conflict. Now, another bitter winter (g) — (begin). Many refugee children (h) — (live) in makeshift shelters without adequate clothing or protection from the cold. For these children, what’s at stake isn’t politics. It’s their future. Already (i) — (lose).their homes, schools and communities, their chances of building a future may also soon (j) — (lose).
Answer-24: (a) has destroyed; (b) have been seized; (c) have been; (d) are: (e) have sought; (f) bear; (g) begins; (h) are/living/live; (i) having lost; (j) be lost.
Vangari Maathai, a Kenyan ecologist (a) — (win) this year’s Nobel Prize (b) — (create) something of a stir. Maathai is the first African woman to (c) — (award) the prize for her remarkable contribution to preserve the environment in her country. The Nobel Committee (d) — (decide) to award the prize to a woman from a context of grappling with a host of socio-economic and environmental problems. Women environmentalists long (e) — (do) a great job in many countries. Maathai’s contribution (f) — (recognise) long after. This is a recognition of those who (g) — (nurture) the environment with motherly affection. Maathai's selection as the winner (h) — (add) indeed a new dimension to the aura of Nobel Prize for Peace. There could be no better way of (i) — (bring) the environmental concerns into focus than (j) — (reward) an environmentalist at the highest level of global recognition.
Answer-25: (a) has won; (b) creating; (c) have been awarded; (d) decided; (e) have been doing; (f) has been recognized; (g) have been nurturing; (h) has added; (i) bringing; (j) rewarding.
 বাকি অংশ ছাপা হবে আগামীকাল
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