এসএসসি ২০২২ - ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র | Prefixes and suffixes

Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis.


Those who lead a (a) (luxury) life, are always (b) (different) to the miseries of the poor. They enjoy life in (c) (amuse) and (d) (merry)

. They are (e) (centered) people. They have little (f) (realize)

of the (g) (bounded) sufferings of the poor. They remain indifferent to their (h) (suffer) . They feel (i) (comfort) to work for their (j) (better) . But if the (k) (wealth) people in society were (l) (sympathy) to the poor the society would assume a different (m) (appear) . So, what is most needed is moral and philosophical (n) (elevate) ?


a. luxurious; b. indifferent; c. amusement; d. merriment; e. self-centered; f. realization; g. unbounded; h. sufferings; i. uncomfortable; j. betterment; k. wealthy; 1. sympathetic; m. appearance; n. elevation.


People are (a) (general) fond of glittering things. They are the (b) (love) of surface. They are concerned with the (c) (out) show of things and beings. They (d) (hard) bother about intrinsic value. Gold is a very (e) (value) thing. But there are (f) (vary) metals in nature that look like gold. They fade soon and become less (g) (beauty) So, the surface of anything should not be the key for its (h) (measure) In the same way in human society, there are many people who are (i) (out) beautiful but (j) (internal) very dishonest and (k) (moral) empty or depraved. We should be (l) (prude) while selecting friends. We all should be (m) (care) about this truth. Otherwise, we will have to be (n) (repent) in the long run.


a. generally; b. lovers; c. outward; d. hardly; e. valuable; f. various; g. beautiful; h. measurement; i. outwardly; j. internally; k. morally; l. prudent; m. careful; n. repentant.

মো. জসিম উদ্দীন বিশ্বাস, প্রভাষক, ঢাকা রেসিডেনসিয়াল মডেল কলেজ, ঢাকা

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