ক্যাডেট কলেজে ভর্তি পরীক্ষা: মডেল টেস্ট-৪

ইংরেজি (অংশ-১)

মান-৩০ সময়-৩০ মিনিট

Read the passage carefully and tick on the correct answer 1-5.        1´5=5

The great ship Titanic sailed for New York from Southampton on April 10th, 1912. She was carrying 1316 passengers and a crew of 891. At that time, however, she was not the only largest ship that had sixteen water tight compartments. The tragic sinking of this great liner will always be remembered for she went down on her first voyage with heavy loss of life.

Four days after setting out, while the Titanic was sailing across the icy-water of the North Atlantic, a huge iceberg was suddenly spotted by a look out. After the alarm had been given the great ship turned sharply to avoid a collision. Suddenly there was slight trembling sound from below and the captain went down to see what had been damaged. The captain realized to his horror that the Titanic was sinking rapidly, for five of the sixteen water tight compartments had already been flooded.

1. The Titanic was bound for —

a. New York b. Southampton

c. New Hampshire d. Chicago

2. The word ‘crew’ means —

a. the captain of the ship b. the sailors 

c. a group of people working together

d. people working on the ship

3. How many watertight compartments did the Titanic have?

a. Fifteen b. Sixteen

c. Seventeen d. Eighteen

4. This great liner will always be remembered, here the liner means —

a. a passenger’s ship that travels on a regular route

b. a ruler used to draw a straight line

c. a person who keeps a telephone connection open

d. a person who works in line with the others

5. The Titanic collided with —

a. another passenger ship b. a rock 

c. a huge iceberg d. a cargo-ship

Tick on the correct answer 6-43.


6. The Bangladeshis are — of their country.

a. hate b. rich c. proud d. pride

7. Keeping healthy means — from disease and anxiety.

a. free b. come c. with d. attached

8. Disease and anxiety lead us to — life.  

a. happy b. unhealthy c. healthy d. poor

9. ‘Fauna’ means —

a. birds b. animals of the particular area   

c. Birds and animals of a particular area

d. soil, forests and flowers

10. ‘It looks like a Mayna’ -here the word ‘like’ is —

a. noun b. pronoun

c. preposition d. interjection

11. The lion promised not to bother about his —.

a. body b. looks c. mentality d. hair style

12. The Pakistani Army surrendered —. 

a. annually b. conditionally

c. happily d. unconditionally

13. Computer is very important

because —.

a. we can play games on it

b. we can enjoy music

c. we can use internet on it

d. it has been a part and parcel of modern life

14. Gurmit Singh came to Congo with a view to — for an voluntary organization.

a. work b. works c. working d. worked

15. Suraiya started going to people’s home, why?

a. To bring old people

b. To find out old people

c. To learn about the elderly people

d. To see them

16. ‘Hason Udash’ is a — 

a. book b. book of songs

c. poem d. song

17. A mystic looks for —.

a. truth b. false c. God d. love

18. ‘Hard and fast’ means —

a. loose b. fixed

c. difficult matter d. easy matter

19. ‘ins and outs’ means —   

a. In details b. Briefly

c. Summary d. None

20. ‘Black Sheep’ means —   

a. a sheep of black colour

b. wicked person

c. big sheep d. costly sheep

21. ‘Fish out of water’ means —   

a. fish which can live in air

b. fish which drinks air

c. comfortable situation

d. uncomfortable situation

22. ‘Leave no stone unturned’ means —

a. heavy stone b. rare stone

c. trying every possible means

d. impossible

23. The hen has (to lay) ten eggs.     

a. The hen has lied ten eggs

b. The hen has lays ten eggs

c. The hen has lain ten eggs

d. The hen has laid ten eggs

24. The man to hang. for murder.

a. The man was hung for murder

b. The man was hanged for murder

c. The man was hang or murder

d. The man is hang for murder

25. Which is the short form of will not?    a. Willn’t b. Won’t c. Wiln’t d. Will’t

26. Article is used based on —    

a. spelling b. meaning

c. sound d. pronunciation

27. Don’t laugh at the poor. The sentence type is —

a. assertive b. imperative

c. interrogative d. compound

28. He killed himself. Here ‘killed’ is —

a. non-finite verb b. proverb

c. reflexive verb d. causative verb

29. Hurrah! We won the match. Here Hurrah is —

a. conjunction b. interjection

c. preposition d. subject

30. Freedom is man’s birth right. Here ‘freedom’ is —

a. material noun b. abstract noun

c. proper noun d. collective noun

বাকি অংশ ছাপা হবে আগামীকাল

অধ্যক্ষ, প্রচেষ্টা ক্যাডেট স্কুল, ঢাকা


ক্যাডেটে ভর্তি পরীক্ষা: মডেল টেস্ট-৩

গতকাল প্রকাশিত সাধারণ জ্ঞানের উত্তর

১. ক ২. ক ৩. ঘ ৪. গ ৫. ক ৬. গ ৭. ঘ     ৮. গ ৯. ঘ ১০. খ ১১. গ ১২. ঘ ১৩. গ     ১৪. ঘ ১৫. ক ১৬. গ ১৭. খ ১৮. ঘ ১৯. ক ২০. খ ২১. ২০তম ২২. সিদ্দিকুর রহমান ২৩. মহাস্থানগড় ২৪. অ্যান্তোনিও গুতেরেস (পর্তুগাল) ২৫. নেলসন ম্যান্ডেলা ২৬. বৈকাল হ্রাদ ২৭. কামরুল হাসান ২৮. যুক্তরাষ্ট্র ২৯. ক্রিকেট ৩০. ১৪৬৬ ডলার (মার্কিন) ৩১. মুন্সিগঞ্জ ও শরীয়তপুর ৩২. শেখ হাসিনা ৩৩. হামিদুর রহমান ৩৪. ভিটামিন সি ৩৫. থেরেসা মে

৩৬. SDG-Sustainable Development Goals, TIN-Tax Identification Number, ATM-Automated Teller Machine,

BGB-Border Guard Bangladesh, VAT-Value Added Tax, CPU-Central Processing Unit, WTO-World Trade Organization, www-world wide web, RAM-Random Access Memory, http-hypertext transfer protocol. ৩৭. ঘ ৩৮. ঘ ৩৯. ঘ ৪০. গ ৪১. খ