পঞ্চম শ্রেণি - ইংরেজি | Unseen passage

Read the text and answer the questions 5,6,7 and 8

Saif : Hello, Bashir.

Bashir : Hellow, Saif.

Saif : You look sad. What’s the matter?

Bashir : My aunt is ill. She is suffering from ulcer.

Saif : Is it too bad?

Bashir : Yes, it is. She has a lot of pain. She can’t eat anything.

Saif : What did the doctor say?

Bashir : The doctor said that it would take time for her to get well.

Saif : Where is she now?

Bashir : She is in the hospital.

Saif : Which hospital is it?

Bashir : She is in the district hospital.

Saif : Who is looking after her?

Bashir : My parents and my uncle.

Saif : I hope she gets well soon. Do you need any help?

Bashir : Thanks for your kindness.

Saif : Are you going to the hospital now?

Bashir : Yes.

Saif : Can I come with you?

Bashir : Yes, of course. Let’s go.

5. Write one of the words that completes each sentence. There are three extra words which you do not need to use.

of, from, would, Saif, that, none, looks.

a. Bashir is intimate with _ .

b. Bashir _ sad.

c. Bashir’s aunt has been suffering _ ulcer.

d. The disease _ Bashir’s aunt is serious.

e. It _ take mentionable time for Bashir’s aunt to get well.

Answer to the question no 5

a. Saif; b. looks; c. from; d. of; e. would.

6. Read the following statements. Write ‘True’ in your answer script if the statement is true. Write ‘False’ if the statement is false.

a. Bashir is sad.

b. Saif’s aunt is unwell.

c. Bashir’s aunt is in hospital.

d. Saif cannot eat anything.

e. Bashir’s parents and uncle are in the hospital to help Bashir’s aunt.

f. Bashir offers thanks to Saif.

Answer to the question no 6

a. True; b. False; c. True; d. False; e. True; f. True.

7. Answer the following questions in sentences.

a. What’s happened to Bashir?

b. What did the doctor say?

c. Can the patient eat well?

d. What’s the condition of Bashir’s aunt?

e. Why does Saif wants to go to the hospital?

Answer to the question no 7

a. Bashir’s aunt is ill. She is suffering from ulcer. So he is sad.

b. The doctor said that it would take time for Bashir’s aunt to get well.

c. No, she can’t eat anything.

d. Bashir’s aunt is severely ill. She has been suffering from ulcer. She has a lot of pain. She can’t eat anything.

e. Saif is a kind boy. He wants to go to the hospital to see Bashir’s ailing aunt.

8. Suppose you are Rahman. Jamil is your friend. Write a letter to your friend telling about your best-friend.

Answer to the question no 8



15 October, 2021

Dear Jamil,

How are you? I hope you are all fine. You wanted to know about my new friend. I am going to tell you.

I have made a very good friend too. His name is Nayeem. He is thirteen years old. He has black hair and blue eyes. His complexion is fair. He is slim and tall. Collecting stamps is his hobby. He is very intimate, friendly, truthful and sincere. He is my classmate, friend and sweet heart. He is my bosom friend. He is a very meritorious student.

We help each other in every affair. We go to school and finish our lessons together. We are in the same class but we have no feeling of competition between us. We are not envious of each other’s success. We became intimate when we got admission into this school.

We have fellow feeling and we love each other from the core of our heart. I am proud of my friend.

What about you? Would you please tell me about your new friend? Convey the best regards to your parents and love to the younger.

Your loving friend,


ইকবাল খান, প্রভাষক, বীরশ্রেষ্ঠ মুন্সী আব্দুর রউফ পাবলিক কলেজ, ঢাকা

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