এইচএসসি পরীক্ষার প্রস্তুতি: ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র | Narration/Speech

Set 30

Lipi asked Mina where she had gone the previous day. Mina replied that she had gone to Chittagong to see her mother. She added that she (her mother) had been suffering from high blood pressure. Lipi asked Mina if she was sound then. Mina replied in the negative.


“Where did you go yesterday?” said Lipi. “I went to Chittagong to see my mother,” said Mina. “She has been suffering from high blood pressure.” “Is she sound now?” said Lipi.” “No,” said Mina.

Set 31

The merchant asked the youth where he was going. The youth replied that he was going to see him. The merchant asked the youth what he wanted. The merchant again asked the youth if he really wanted work. The youth replied in the affirmative and said that he would really want work if he had any. Then the merchant ordered the youth to follow him and to carry a box from a shop to his house. The youth said that he did not see how he could do that.


“Where are you going?” said the merchant. “I was coming to see you.” “What do you want?” “To earn my bread by the labour of my hands.” “Do you really want work?” said the merchant. “Yes, if you have any”. “Then follow me and carry a box from a shop to my house.” “I do not see how I can do that,” said the youth.

Set 32

Answer: The Mayor asked the piper if he (p) had killed the rates. The Piper replied in the affirmative that he had. Then he (P) told the Mayor to give him (P) the promised money. The Mayor exclaimed in wonder that it was very funny. He added that they could not give him (P) so much money and told him to take only fifty.


“Have you killed the rates?” said the Mayor. “Yes, I have, said the piper. “Give me the promised money.” “How funny!” said the Mayor, ‘We cannot give you so much money. Take only fifty.’

বাকি অংশ ছাপা হবে আগামীকাল