এসএসসি ২০২২ - ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র | Fill in the blanks

পুনর্বিন্যাসকৃত সিলেবাস অনুসারে

Gap filling activities without clues.

Fill in the blanks with suitable preposition, articles and zero articles.


(a) good man is a man (b) character. His polite behaviour is
(c) great asset because he can win (d) heart of other people
(e) him, no matter whether he is rich or poor. He also gets the admiration of all he deals (f) . He behaves well (g) even those who are (h) rude to him because he hates to behave rudely. One who pretends to be polite, cannot be polite (i) all circumstances. But (j) man who is really polite, does not fear anybody whatever be the provocation.

Answer: a. A; b. of; c. a; d. the; e. around; f. with; g. towards; h. x; i. in; j. the.


A flower is (a) best gift of nature. It is symbol (b) purity and beauty. It gives us (c) pleasure. There is nobody but loves (d) flower. But it is (e) matter of sorrow that (f) flower does not last long. It blooms in (g) morning and fades away (h) a short time. Nowadays, flowers are cultivated (i) our country. Many people earn their livelihood (j) flower cultivation.

Answer: a. the; b. of; c. X; d. a; e. a; f. a; g. the; h. within; i. in; j. by.


It is (a) instinct of everyone to climb up the top position and power. There is no other passion in the world which is so powerful as the love of (b) power. Man always hankers (c) power, power is the source (d) all strength. But excess of desire (e) power leads one (f) disaster. But people always rush to (g) power. Sometimes (h) powerful nation or society is dominated (i) the passion. It wants to swallow (j) smaller and the weaker neighbours.

Answer: a. the; b. X; c. after; d. of; e. for; f. to; g. x; h. a; i. by; j. the.

মো. জসিম উদ্দীন বিশ্বাস, প্রভাষক, ঢাকা রেসিডেনসিয়াল মডেল কলেজ, ঢাকা

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