Gap filling activities without clues. Fill in the blanks with suitable preposition, articles and zero articles.
16. Student politics hampers the normal progress of (a) ______ student. It brings prosperity (b) ______ a few but causes harm (c) ______ many. Because of student politics normal administration of (d) ______ college or university is hampered. As (e) ______ result, there arises session jam. For this problem of the campus, student politics is mainly (f) ______ responsible. So, we should rethink (g) ______ the necessity of student polities. Either we should avoid (h) ______ student politics or we should bring (i) ______ a positive change (j) ______ this sector.
Answer: a. a; b. to; c. to; d. a; e. a; f. x; g. about; h. x; i. about; j. in.
মো. জসিম উদ্দীন বিশ্বাস, প্রভাষক, ঢাকা রেসিডেনসিয়াল মডেল কলেজ, ঢাকা
◀ Fill in the blanks -15