নবম শ্রেণি - ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র | Fill in the blanks (21)

নবম শ্রেণির পড়াশোনা

Gap filling activities without clues. Fill in the blanks with suitable preposition, articles and zero articles.

21. (a) _______ effort there can be no success (b) _______ life. Success comes (c) _______ hard labour and struggle. Life loses its interest if there is no struggle. Games become dull, if there is no competition (d) _______ them and if the result can be easily foreseen. No matter we win (e) _______ game or lose it. (f) _______ keener the contest (g) _______ greater the interest. (h) _______ victory is not a real triumph unless both the sides are equally (i) _______ strong. Whether we like it or not, life is (j) _______ continuous competitive examination.

Answer: a. Without; b. in; c. through; d. in; e. the; f.The; g. the; h. A; i. x; j. a.

মো. জসিম উদ্দীন বিশ্বাস, প্রভাষক, ঢাকা রেসিডেনসিয়াল মডেল কলেজ, ঢাকা

◀ Fill in the blanks -20