ইংরেজি | Unseen passege

Read the text and answer the following questions 5, 6.

I am Rahmat Mia. I am a farmer. I grow crops. I don’t have any land. I work for others. I wake up before sunrise. Then I go to the land owner’s house. I take the oxen to the field to plough the land. When I reach the field, the sun begins to rise. I work the whole day. At mid day, I take a short break for lunch. I take rice and green leafy vegetables for lunch.

My eldest daughter brings my lunch from home. I continue to work in sun and rain. I stop when the sun sets. I take the oxen to their master’s house. I wash and feed them. After that, I go home, wash myself and eat whatever there is in the house. I go to bed early because I need rest and sleep. Then I can work well the next morning. When I lie down in bed, I say to myself, ‘May be I will have better luck next day.’

5. Fill in the gaps with the best word. Find the information in the story. There are extra words which you need not use.



a. Rahmat Mia is a .

b. He works for .

c. He goes to the land owner’s house to out the oxen.

d. When he reaches the , the sun begins to rise.

e. Rahmat Mia continues to in the sun and the rain.

Answer to the question no. 5

a. farmer;

b. others;

c. take;

d. field;

e. work.

6. Write ‘True’ for correct statement or ‘False’ for incorrect statement.

a. Rahmat Mia is a farmer.

b. He has his own land.

c. He works the whole day.

d. He stops working when the sun rises.

e. He goes to bed early.

f. He takes rice and green leafy vegetables for breakfast.

Answer to the question no. 6

a. True;

b. False;

c. True;

d. False;

e. True;

f. False.

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