ইংরেজি ১ম পত্র | Re-ordering of sentences


a. The king followed the advice of the doctor.

b. The doctor found no disease in him.

c. Once there was an idle king.

d. After a short time his fat grew less and he was fully cured.

e. He did not prescribe any medicine for him.

f. But he did not take any physical exercise.

g. He went to a doctor for the treatment of his disease.

h. He used to eat very rich food everyday.

i. As such he became so bulky that he could not move from one place to another.

j. Instead he advised him to buy a club and move it until he got moistened.


c + h+ f + i + g +b + e + j + a + d


a. Alexander was pleased with Porus for his boldness.

b. He was brought before Alexander.

c. There ruled a king named Porus.

d. Alexander, the king of Maceadon, crossed the Khaibar Pass and reached India.

e. Porus came forward with his men and arms in order to defend his land from the attack.

f. Then he came to the plain of Punjab.

g. But unfortunately he was defeated in battle and was taken prisoner.

h. ‘Like a King’, was the reply made by Porus.

i. He allowed him to rule the country as before and also made him the king.

j. Alexander asked him how he would like to be treated.


d + f+ c + e + g +b + j + h + a + i

মো. আফলাতুন, সহযোগী অধ্যাপক
ফেনী সরকারি কলেজ, ফেনী