নবম শ্রেণি – ইংরেজি | Change Sentences

Change the following sentences as directed in the brackets.


a. Tasnim is one of the cleverest boys in the class (Positive).

b. He is never late in his class (Affirmative).

c. He always speaks the truth (Negative).

d. He is kind to all his friends (Interrogative).

e. We should be sympathetic to him (Imperative).


a. Very few boys in the class are so clever as Tasnim.

b. He is always punctual in his class.

c. He never tells a lie.

d. Isn’t he kind to all his friends?

e. Let us be sympathetic to him.


a. The elephant is the strongest animal in the world (Comparative).

b. It is very ferocious (Exclamatory).

c. It is not immortal (Affirmative).

d. It is a wild animal (Negative).

e. It is found everywhere in the world (Interrogative).


a. The elephant is stronger than any other animal in the world.

b. How ferocious it is!

c. It is mortal.

d. It is not a tame animal.

e. Isn’t it found everywhere in the world?


a. The Chinese are very industrious (Negative).

b. They are not harmful (Interrogative).

c. They are the wisest nation in the world (Positive).

d. They are very smart in their work (Exclamatory).

e. We should follow them (Passive).


a. The Chinese are not lazy.

b. Are they harmful?

c. No other nation in the world is so wise as they.

d. How smart they are in their work!

e. They should be followed by us.


a. Mrs Sabrina is one of the greatest singers in the world (Comparative).

b. She sings very sweetly (Exclamatory).

c. People will never forget her (Affirmative).

d. She is hopeful of her future success (Interrogative).

e. We should respect her (Imperative).


a. Mrs Sabrina is greater than most other singers in the world.

b. How sweetly she sings!

c. People will always remember her.

d. Isn’t she hopeful of her future success?

e. Let us respect her.


a. Dhaka is more densely populated than most other cities in the world (Positive).

b. It is the most peaceful city in the world (Comparative).

c. Its streets are very crowded (Exclamatory).

d. But its residents are diligent (Negative).

e. We are proud of this city (Interrogative).


a. Very few cities in the world are so densely populated as Dhaka.

b. It is more peaceful than any other city in the world.

c. How crowded its streets are!

d. But its residents are not lazy.

e. Aren’t we proud of this city?


a. Tania Khan is a famous university teacher (Interrogative).

b. Her style of teaching is different (Negative).

c. No other teacher in the university is so efficient as she (Superlative).

d. Everybody of the department honours her (Negative).

e. We should follow her ideals (Imperative).


a. Isn’t Tania Khan a famous university teacher?

b. Her style of teaching is not the same.

c. She is the most efficient teacher in the university.

d. None of the department dishonours her.

e. Let us follow her ideals.

মো. জসিম উদ্দীন বিশ্বাস, প্রভাষক, ঢাকা রেসিডেনসিয়াল মডেল কলেজ, ঢাকা

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