Question no. 3

# Read the following text and fill in the gaps with appropriate words to make it a meaningful one.

Set 16

Shamima was married off (a) her will but she was unable to stay with her husband. She vows to work (b) setting up an organisation (c) ill-fated women like Shamima. She
(d) female members in her organisation. She sells her (e) in her shop and supplies outside.

Answer: a. against; b. for; c.for; d. has; e. products.

Set 17

We need to drink milk everyday. Milk is highly rich in (a) . It’s good for our healthy (b) . It makes our (c) and teeth strong as well. We must drink pure water at regular (d) too. It is
(e) for our body.

Answer: a. calcium; b. growth; c. bones; d. intervals; e. essential.

Set 18

Nakshi Kantha is a kind of embroidered (a) . The name was taken from the Bangla word ‘naksha’ which means (b) pattern. It is a kind of traditional craft and is said to be (c) to Bangladesh and West Bengal in India. The (d) has been practised in rural Bengal for (e) .

Answer: a.quilt; b. artistic;
c. indigenous; d. art; e. centuries.

ইকবাল খান, প্রভাষক
বীরশ্রেষ্ঠ মুন্সী আব্দুর রউফ পাবলিক কলেজ, ঢাকা