পঞ্চম শ্রেণির পড়াশোনা: ইংরেজি | Unit 16, Lessons 1, 2

2. Read the following statements. Write ‘True’ in you answer script if the statement is true. Write ‘False’ if the statement is false.

i. Sufia has finished her homework.

ii. Sufia wants to play.

iii. Rashid went to school in time.

iv. Sufia’s father has caught illness.

v. Rashid along with his father was in the doctor’s chamber.

vi. Mother asked Sufia about her school work.

Answer to the question no 2

i. True ii. True iii. False iv. False

v. True vi. False

3. Answer the following questions in sentence or sentences.

a. Who wants to go out?

b. What has Sufia to do?

c. What is the advice of the Sufia’s mother to Sufia?

d. Why is Rashid late? Where were Rashid and his father?

e. How is Rashid’s father?

f. What is Mrs Alam’s hope to Rashid’s father?

Answer to the question no 3

a. Sufia wants to go out.

b. Sufia has to do homework.

c. The advice of Sufia’s mother to Sufia is not to play for a long time.

d. Rashid is late because his father is ill. Rashid and his father were at the doctor’s chamber.

e. Rashid’s father is ill.

f. Mrs. Alam’s hope to Rashid’s father is that Rashid’s father will get well soon.

ইকবাল খান, প্রভাষক
বীরশ্রেষ্ঠ মুন্সী আব্দুর রউফ পাবলিক কলেজ, ঢাকা