Gap filling activities without clues. Fill in the blanks with suitable preposition, articles and zero articles.
6. Road accidents have recently become (a) ______ regular phenomenon in our country. As a result of the accidents, many persons fall victim (b) ______ untimely death. It is reported that most of the accidents occur (c) ______ the violation (d) ______ traffic rules, by unskilled drivers and (e) ______ unconscious passersby. Many (f) ______ unlicensed and faulty vehicles also endanger the passengers and the passersby. So, in order to save us (g) ______ the accidents, (h) ______ government is trying to create awareness among (i) ______ people and has passed strict laws (j) ______ the accused.
a. a; b. to; c. for; d. of; e. x; f. X; g. from; h. the; i. the; j. against
মো. জসিম উদ্দীন বিশ্বাস, প্রভাষক, ঢাকা রেসিডেনসিয়াল মডেল কলেজ, ঢাকা