অষ্টম শ্রেণি – ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র | Articles (9-10)

অষ্টম শ্রেণির পড়াশোনা



(a) ____ 16th of December is (b) ____ red-letter day in the history of Bangladesh. On this day, we achieved victory at (c) ____ cost of (d) ____ bloody battle. Bangladesh came into being as (e) ____ independent country. It occupied a place in the world (f) ____ map. Every year, we observe (g) ____ day with due solemnity. We remember (h) ____ supreme sacrifices of our heroic sons. The day is (i) ____ public holiday. The day begins with gunshots. The national flag is hoisted on (j) ____ top of important houses.

Answer: a. The; b. a; c. the; d. a; e.an; f. x; g. the; h. the; i. a; j. x.

আরও পড়ুন


People do not eat (a) ____ same food all over the world. (b) ____ eating habits of the people of a country depend largely on its geographical position, climate and soil. That is to say (c) ____ Kinds of food that people eat depend on what they get easily. For instance people in (d) ____ tropical countries eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. (e) ____ Chief food of the people of Hawaii and Polynesia in (f) ____ Pacific are taro-roots, bread, (g) ____ fruits and sea-food. They also eat (h) ____ lot of limes. The Indians of Central America eat mostly fruits and (i) ____ vegetables. (j) ____ Eskimos live on meat.

Answer: a. the; b. The; c. the; d. the; e. the; f. the; g. x; h. a; i. x; j. The.

মো. আফলাতুন, সহযোগী অধ্যাপক, ফেনী সরকারি কলেজ, ফেনী

আরও পড়ুন