Language & Power
আজ আমরা জানব Instrumental Power সম্পর্কে
Can you think of someone with whom you have to talk frequently though you cannot use the words and sentences the same way s/he uses when s/he talks to you because s/he holds (ধারণ করে) instrumental power? How do you talk to them to show your respect towards him/her, but at the same time, you can maintain (বজায় রাখা) your position (অবস্থান) and identity (পরিচয়)?
Let’s learn more about Instrumental Power!
Instrumental Power
‘Instrumental Power’ refers to (বোঝায়) a kind of position or power that people hold simply because of who they are. They do not always need to convince (উপলব্ধি করানো) or satisfy anyone to maintain this position. Others respect and listen to them because of the social position they have and the respect they earn. For example, in our society teachers, parents, seniors, and officials (কর্মকর্তা) hold instrumental power. People tend to respect them for who they are. And when they communicate with others, their position (অবস্থান) and authority (কর্তৃত্ব) are reflected (প্রতিফলিত) in their use of language and tone. They have a way of language which they use to maintain (বজায় রাখা) their position. Their language has some general features (বৈশিষ্ট্য) which tell us that they have better positions in a society (সমাজ). Now, let’s find out about some of the features of the language used by a person, who holds a better social position and a person who holds (ধারণ করে) a relatively (তুলনামূলকভাবে) lower position in society, family or an organization.
ইকবাল খান, প্রভাষক, বীরশ্রেষ্ঠ মুন্সী আব্দুর রউফ পাবলিক কলেজ, ঢাকা