Correct Form of Verbs (পর্ব ১২) - ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র | এইচএসসি ২০২৪

পুনর্বিন্যাসকৃত সিলেবাস অনুসারে

Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs as per subject and context.


Students are the greatest force of a nation. They (a)         (be) the future leaders of a country. They (b)         (build) or destroy a nation. For this reason, they (c)         (play) a vital role in a society as well as in a country. To (d)         (acquire) knowledge is the primary duty of students. They (e)         (try) heart and soul to make themselves worthy citizens. For this, they (f)         (use) most of their time in education. Then they (g)         (pay) attention to the welfare of society. The most important duty of students (h)         (lie) in removing illiteracy from society. Students (i)         (do) this duty during their holidays. They can go to villages and (j)         (make) people aware of the importance of education. In the event of natural calamities, students  (k)         (play) a vital role. (l)         (help) the affected people in different ways. Such activities help them (m)         (understand) the miseries of the helpless people. During student life, they (n)         (not participate) in politics.


a. are; b. can build; c. can play;  d. acquire; e. should try; f. should use; g. can pay; h. lies: i. can do: j. make; k. can play; l. helping; m. understand/to understand; n. should not participate.


People of the developing countries have always (a)         (fascinate) with the dream of living in some developed countries like America, Canada, etc. They do it so that they (b)         (lead) a better life, enjoy better civic facilities and earn better as well. As a result, every year a lot of people (c)         (migrate) to these countries. In fact, people who settle there, are either skilled or well (d)         (educate) in their respective sectors. After (e)         (settle) there, they are to abide by the rules and regulations dreams of those countries. These people (f)         (know) as immigrants. But sometimes their dreams (g)         (shatter) into pieces. Many of them (h)         (bankrupt) by the traffickers. Government should take effective steps so that they can (i)         (migrate) easily. This is the high time we all (j)         (need) to be careful about it. These people should (k)         (evaluate) properly. They are great assets of the country, because the remittances (l)         (to send) by them have strengthened the economy of our country to a great extent. However, our government has already (m)         (to give) them some incentives. Indeed, these people are now taking interest more and more to dispatch remittance (n)         (to break) all previous records.

Answer: a. been fascinated; b. can lead; c. migrate; d. educated; e. settling; f. are known; g. are shattered; h. are bankrupted: i. migrate; j. needed; k. be evaluated; l. sent; m. given; n. breaking.


A proverb goes that time and tide wait for none. None (a)         (call) it back. A man (b)         (get) back his lost money and health but cannot get back his lost time. Time once lost (c)         (lose) forever. So, we (d)         (make) the best use of our time. We (e)         (do) our work in time. If we put off our work for tomorrow, we do not get time to do it at all. There are some people who waste time for nothing. They cannot prosper in life. They (f)         (depend) on others. If we read the biography of the great men, we (g)         (realize) it. They (h)         (not, waste) a single moment uselessly. They (i)         (be) very industrious from their childhood. We can prosper in life only by (j)         (follow) the way of their life. The value of time cannot (k)         (to measure). Human life is short, but he (l)         (do) a lot of work within the short span of time. Children (m)         (learn) the value of time from their childhood. Value of time (n)         (ennoble) a person and gives him/her fame.

Answer: a. can call; b. may get; c. is lost; d. should make; e. must do; f. have to depend; g. can realize; h. did not waste; i. were; j. following; k. be measured; l. has to do; m. should learn; n. ennobles.


It (a)         (be) early morning. I saw a large crowd (b)         (gather) under a big mango tree. I also (c)         (rush) there. It was announced before that there (d)         (be) a fight between a mongoose and a cobra. Two snake charmers were present under the tree with a (e)         (cover) basket in front of them. A small frail mongoose (f)         (run) fast at the end of a long string tied to a nearby post. One of them (g)         (play) a tune in a flute and the other was beating a drum rhythmically. The music (h)         (grow) louder and the fight became very interesting. The people around it stood speechless as though they (i)         (be) hypnotized. The fight (j)         (continue) for a couple of hours. The mongoose (k)         (to desire) to win the fight, jumped all the while and consequently it (l)         (grow) almost exhausted. The cobra, on the other hand, continued (m)         (play) its role all the time at the same speed. Finally, the cobra (n)         (to declare) winner. Spectators greatly enjoyed the competition.

Answer: a. was; b. gathering; c. rushed; d. would be; e. covered; f. was running; g. was playing; h. grew; i. had been; j. continued; k. desiring; l. grew; m. to play/playing; n. was declared.

মো. জসিম উদ্দীন বিশ্বাস, সহকারী অধ্যাপক, ঢাকা রেসিডেনসিয়াল মডেল কলেজ, ঢাকা