Modifiers (2-3) | ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র - এইচএসসি ২০২৪

পুনর্বিন্যাসকৃত সিলেবাস অনুসারে



Kazi Nazrul Islam is called the Shelley of Bengali literature. He was a (a) ____ (pre-modify the noun) poet. He wrote (b) ____ (post-modify the verb) in every branch of Bengali literature. Nazrul, (c) ____ (use an appositive), won the attention of everyone in his early childhood. He wrote ceaselessly until the death of (d) ____ (use possessive pronoun) poetic flair. He composed his songs (e) ____ (use an infinitive phrase to post-modify the verb). His songs are (f) ____ (use an intensifier to pre-modify the adjective) melodious. He enriched the Bengali literature (g) ____ (use an adverb to pre-modify the verb). His literary works have enriched (h) ____ (use a noun adjective) literature. He was (i) ____ (use an article) secular poet. He sang the songs of equality (j) ____ (use an adverbial phrase).

Answer: a. great/famous; b. almost; c. our national poet/the rebel poet;

d. his; e. to inspire the people/ nation; f. very; g. greatly; h. Bengali; i. a; j. in his poem.

আরও পড়ুন


A balanced diet is a good mixture of (a) ____ (pre-modify the noun) foods. It is essential for us (b) ____ (post-modify the adjective with an infinitive) a healthy life. There are many benefits of eating a (c) ____ (pre-modify the noun) diet because it prevents (d) ____ (use determiner to pre-modify the noun) diseases. As a result, we do not get sick (e) ____ (post-modify the verb with an adverb). We should select (f) ____ (pre-modify the noun with possessive) diet according to our needs. We should not eat the (g) ____ (use adjective to pre-modify the noun) foods for the whole week. We can keep fit (h) ____ (use a participle) a balanced diet. But it is not easy (i) ____ (post-modify the adjective with an infinitive) a balanced diet. Here (j) ____ (use a determiner) nutritionist can help us.

Answer: a. various/good/several; b. to lead/to maintain; c. balanced; d. some/many; e. easily/ frequently; f. our; g. same/similar; h. eating/taking; i. to select/choose/make; j. a

মো. জসিম উদ্দীন বিশ্বাস, সহকারী অধ্যাপক, ঢাকা রেসিডেনসিয়াল মডেল কলেজ, ঢাকা

আরও পড়ুন